Workplace safety achievement

In October of last year, representatives from VÍS, Skinney- Þinganes’s insurance company, came to visit us in Höfn and gave the employees of the company a very nice Jalo smoke detector as a gift in celebration of the fact that no accidents were recorded for our employees at VÍS in the first 10 months of the year. It is a great achievement that such a large company with such extensive operations as Skinney-Þinganes is accident-free for such a long time.

This is an achievement that does not happen by itself, all employees deserve praise for a job well done in connection with safety issues. Because it is not enough for managers to be active in corporate security, all employees are needed for a corporate security culture to succeed. We are proud of this achievement and intend to continue on the same path and the goal of every day is for all employees to return home safe and sound.

We are also delighted to add that no accidents were recorded in the last two months of the year either.



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